Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hi Honey- I am home...

.....well- I am back. Miss Ayla and Higgins have moved on- for better or worse? I don't know. For better financially- yes- no more drama- yes- but heck I miss you all. I miss the ponies- I miss Phoenix- I miss the parties. I miss my strolls through the vineyards and my Sunday mornings on Battle's yacht- oh well. My friends are still welcome on Blue- a lot more quiet- but a great environment for a chat. And I am sure that once Miss Ayla has got all her stuff well placed on the marketplace she will also start cooking again- so watch this space. I will organize events on a regular basis- the next one coming up on 1 July (Pisa's and my rez day) with a Pink Floyd Show at Xaara (yes- where it all started) You will receive the invitations shortly- and you know me- I will keep sending them. The weekend after will be the opening of my mainstore with a party- and hopefully DJ Josef- who has not confirmed yet- Josef!!!!!!!!!!!!! End of July will promise some fun- a hunt in the Duchy- I will feed you bit by bit with hints and details- get your period gear out- saddle up and search for the lost artefacts and the villain who took them. In between- it has still to be confirmed I am planning a concert in the lovely scottish Highlands, where I have a store and a little farm that is open to the public and is a lovely place to sit and watch the sun come up or going down- amazing people and amzing potential and a wonderful atmosphere- oh- and I have heard some brilliant bands over there. Thane Brody lets out his Castle for events- and what a castle that is- so again- watch this space! Nuff said- see you all around very soon. Ayla x

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog Ayla, and i am sure Josef the DJ
    wil confirm soon. smiles bussy rl at the moment

    Belledujour arida
