What a night! And all these fabulous people! The contestants were wonderful- all of them- and Miss Eles won :-)
Miss Ayla decided that she would have to create a special bouquet for each of them- but that would have to come later.
Miss Jorden was a gem- as usual- even if she occasionally kicked Miss Ayla's bum- Miss Ayla chuckled. Even Monsieur Michiel had left Alanis alone for the evening. Miss Ayla felt truely honoured- and without Monsieur Battle's active support we would never ever had this interesting audience.
Miss Ayla thought that she also would have to think about some nice gifts for the judges- Miss Tima, Miss Lilas, Miss Forceme and Monsieur Bouncing-she sighed- a lot of work coming up- but the kind of work she liked.For now it was all about the gala next week- and oh- she already knew that there had to be a few nice surprises involved- and then- Miss Aggie. Miss Ayla smiled. She was grateful for having such a good friend, who then happened to be a gifted photographer and took care of the picture during the event- wasn't she busy enough herself? Miss Aggie was to get married soon- and it was to happen on Xaara. Miss Ayla knew exactly what she had to prepare for this- but today was today- and Miss Ayla was happy but exhausted- and it showed. So Miss Ayla took a stroll through the vineyard with Higgins and rested when she arrived at the pier. She sat down on the warm planks, listened to the waves and let the morning sun softly stroke her face- she instantly felt the peace and quiet. Hmmmmm- she said to Higgins, who was far more interested in the big blue fly that was annoying him for a while- we will be bad today- bad, bad bad. Not that Higgins was interested.
"Come on, old boy" she said to him- "let's go home- you'll like my plan"- and they strolled off again through the vineyard, slowly and leisurely with no worry in the world.
Back home, in the kitchen, Miss Ayla took 3 bowls out of her cupboard and and started her activities-mixing, whisking, shaking chopping- trying- raising her eyes to the sky with a smile- or maybe more an extatic grin- then she put the result into the fridge where it would stay for several hours- meanwhile she had Higgin's full attention.
Miss Ayla's "I treat Myself" Mousse au Chocolat
3 eggs
100g dark chocolat
200 ml whipping cream
Cointreau or Grand Marnier
some white chocolate leaves (or whatever you fancy as a garnish)
Break up the chocolate in small pieces into a small bowl or a big cup
put this cup into a pan with boiling water and melt the chocolate under stirring it
put it aside but keep stirring in between so it doesn't clot- you can add a tablespoon of water in between
Separate the eggs. Whisk the yellow with 3 tablespoons of sugar with a handmixer until the colour becomes almost white- put aside.
In an absolutely fat and grease free bowl do the same with the eggwhites- mix with 3 tablespoons of sugar until absolutely stiff.
Then take the whipping cream from the fridge and mix with 2 Tablespoons of sugar until firm.
take the chocolate, stir again and add a good dash of Cointreau or Grand Marnier, stir and pour the chocolate into the egg yolk mixture, carefully stir it together.
Once it is well mixed take the egg white foam and carefully fold it under the chocolate/egg yolk mixture- when done add the cream and carefully stir again.
You now have a rich, dark but still fluid mixture.
Fill it in glasses or small bowls and put in the fridge to rest for at least 4 hours.
Before serving garnish to your taste.
Higgins will have a small serve too. Miss Ayla cleaned the kitchen, changed into her bikini and went to the beach- hey- it is Sunday!