Yessssss- I am so clever- it almost hurts! Now- as if Miss Ayla hadn't enough to do- she managed to demolish the Chateau on Saturday night. meant to remove a beer- and removed the complete left wing-rrrrraaaaaah!.
Ok- started from scratch and trying to see the positive side- there is always room for improvement.
In the meantime Higgins roamed the courtyard slightly worried as they hadn't seen any of their friends for a while- now- in Higgins case the worry was also about the good food he was used to- and while she was so busy he was confined to dogfood- uuuargh.
They had a short visit though from Monsieur Percival and Miss Kim, which was quite amusing- even for Miss Kim, it seems- though she was chased around by Monsieur Percival and captured all the time- but they disappeared in the new Highway Man's Bar and and had a couple of drinks before they continued there chase.
Monsieur Aidan who was also present to discuss the new design of the upper floors seemed rather intrigued himself- s
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