Miss Ayla strolled along the cobble stone path that is leading up to the Chateau. It was a lovely summer's day- but it is always summer on Xaara- well- unless Miss Ayla decides it it winter.
Miss Ayla giggled at the thought.
Miss Ayla stopped for a minute and listened to the sparrows frantically chirping as they are searching for crumbs around the tables of the outdoor café. Miss Ayla always makes sure there are sufficient crumbs.
The sweet fragrant smell of the bougainvilleas tickled her nose like a soft lovers kiss and she spun around in a twirl the silvery mane flying- just a day with no worries in the world. A rare thing to happen lately as Miss Ayla was thinking most of the time about lots of things but today she felt blessed. Blessed with a beautiful island- and most important with beautiful friends- and above all the most beautiful man ever- the captain- and best of all he loved her- and she loved him.
The mane was flying in another twirl and Miss Ayla made her way up to the Chateau.
When she entered the sunny courtyard she glanced at the pheasants ogling the vegetable and herb bench. Miss Ayla smiled- let them have their treat, she thought- I am happy- why shouldn't they.
Miss Ayla entered the kitchen and looked around- then she grabbed the wobbly little chair from under the sink and bravely climbed up to search the upper shelf. Hatschi- the dust from far too long tickled her nose as she dug out the old foliant she was looking for- hmmmm- some cleaning here tomorrow- but tomorrow is another day.
Miss Ayla looked around and decided that a glass of wine wouldn't harm while she was browsing through the heavy old book- her grandmother's tiny filigrane handwriting was pleasing her eyes.
here we go, she thought. The Captain , it seems is a sensual man and loves his food. Miss Ayla had decided to ask grandma what sort of dish would delight a man who knows most and tried it all and as Miss Ayla was going through the pages the book opened where this very old dried rose was pressed between it's pages. Miss Ayla slightly blushed- was that what you cooked for grandpa the first time? Dreamingly humming she studied the old handwriting and smiled and decided to share this with the Captain as she was sure he would absolutely love it.
German Gulasch:
1000 g lean beef (for slow cooking)
1000g onion
pepper black
2 bay leaves
Duesseldorfer Loewensenf
cooking oil (I love olive oil- but for this purpose it is not getting hot enough)
Preheat a big pot with a heavy bottom. put in a bit of oil- not a lot- just to coat the bottom.
Throw in the diced beef and stir it until everything is nice and brown, as the finely diced onions (really fine)stir it, let the onions turn golden, add salt and pepper to your liking- but Gulasch shouldn't be too mild, add at least two tablespoons of mustard and stir thoroughly (I usually use more- but then you have to be careful with salt and pepper) ad the bay leaves and fill up with water or beef stock (water is sufficient) until just covered. Reduce the heat quite drastically and cook covered under occasional stiring for roughly 90 minutes.
After that the onions should be almost invisible and the beef should be melting.
Traditionally Gulasch is served with boiled potatoes that are sprinkled with some chopped parsley and red cabbage- or Knoedel- but a nice salad and some hearty roasted bread is as nice.
Miss Ayla smiled, finished her wine and took the foliant up to her room. "What a pleasant day", she thought as she toated to her friends across the vineyard.
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