When one door closes another opens” and “ Things happen for a reason”- Miss Ayla remembered her own motto very well. Still- once the situation arises it is not that simple. Seeing her Xaara- well- not here’s anymore- being transformed into a cold plain platform made her cringe. Her mind drifted in memories. The moment she stood on the hill- overlooking Xaara for the first time, the moments when she was in tears- convinced that she would never manage to get a building placed within this landscape- the breakthrough and the idea for the set-up. Miss Ayla smiled- she actually does not actually plan a sim- she feels it and it grows from there.
Discussions with Proc that usually ended laughing on the beach, dancing in the moonlight, making love under a waterfall-trying ideas. Xaara grew-the relationship ended- too much work. “Yes”, she thought, “Xaara came at a price. Only a few days earlier she had to learn that Proc had died but in parts of her builds he would live on- Miss Ayla would make sure.
She leaned back and overlooked the vineyard. The gallery- she was not sure anymore if it was a good idea back then to offer the outlet to them, which finally ended up in being a quarter sim. Well- it probably was, she thought as she met a lot of nice people- a handful of true friends- yes it was. “At the end of the day” she thought “I can recreate my dream anytime and anywhere- it is inside of me and therefore nobody can destroy it.” The thought made her smile. She softly petted Higgin’s head and he looked up at her with a sign of relief feeling she was not as troubled anymore. “Let’s make the best of what we have here” she said to Higgins- “Let’s cut out the ugliness and preserve the friendliness. Let’s make this a home for the friends we know and those we have not met yet.” With these words she turned and made her way to the kitchen where a nice pigs ear waited for Higgins and she reached for the wine before she turned to Grandma’s big old handwritten cooking book and looked for inspiration.” Time to get back on track” she thought.